Supporting Each Other During the #BCShutdown and Beyond

BC’s sudden decision to evict undergraduates and transition to online classes for the rest of the semester took many of us by surprise.As each of us makes contingency plans for our classes, labs, and research, even as we experience the instability of our positions and funding structures, we’d like you to know, first and foremost, that you are not alone in this. As a union, we’re in this together.

Second, in the coming weeks, we’d like to hear from you. How have you responded to the shutdown? What are your challenges, limitations, and creative solutions? Do you have the tools and resources you need to make this transition? How is this shutdown impacting you and your family? As a union, we have an opportunity to share resources and advocate for our needs.

Times of instability magnify the precarity of our positions as graduate workers at BC. We’re fighting for the protection of a union contract so that when the unexpected happens, we know we’re secure, economically and personally, and we know what is expected of us in our work. And as always, BC will continue to work through this shutdown and transition to online instruction because of the work we do as graduate workers.

And as always, our union is strongest when we have as many people active in the movement as possible. Send us a message if you are interested in helping grow the union by sharing your story, getting involved organizing, etc. We’ll also be sharing our stories of how we’re being affected personally using the hashtag #BCshutdown online. Join in on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.


In Solidarity,

The BCGEU-UAW Organizing Committee